Time To Go…Take Over the UNIVERSE!

By Kwanza Jones

Kwanza Jones feature Taking Over the Universe

Happy Monday!  While most of us

are slaving away at our 8-5's, music and pop culture blogger, GaoSalad has the right idea as he and Kwanza Jones are Taking Over The Universe with the brand new hit single and Song of the Week TIME TO GO!

"In-line with the current electro-pop scene" with versatility as one of her greatest assets...

Fierce, fearless, and in your face with a spectacular new diva-licious look, Kwanza Jones is going to take over YOUR Universe!

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Kwanza Jones

Kwanza Jones is a gladiator in a thong… and a life & business strategist. She’s on a mission to boost a billion lives for the better, and she’s well on her way. Think of her as your billionaire #boostfriend. With more than $50 million committed to founders, fund managers, and educational organizations, she’s got the receipts. Say hello in her Kwanza Jones Boost Friends™ community. Connect with members building greater wealth, health, knowledge, and opportunities… together. Made by POC & allies, for all. Text HELLO to (833) 672-0275.