Supercharged gets G.L.A.M. with JaxH8

By Kwanza Jones

Kwanza Jones feature GLAM Magazine

Artist and music critic Jackson Haight, aka JaxH8 of G.L.A.M. (Gay & Lesbian Arts & Music Magazine), gives Think Again and upcoming single Time To Go a musical strip-down and lesson on the bare bones fundamentals of dance and pop music.  Striving to be the “Creative Arts Magazine” of the GLBT world, critics for G.L.A.M. mean business when it comes to reviewing music down to every last beat.

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Kwanza Jones

Kwanza Jones is a gladiator in a thong… and a life & business strategist. She’s on a mission to boost a billion lives for the better, and she’s well on her way. Think of her as your billionaire #boostfriend. With more than $50 million committed to founders, fund managers, and educational organizations, she’s got the receipts. Say hello in her Kwanza Jones Boost Friends™ community. Connect with members building greater wealth, health, knowledge, and opportunities… together. Made by POC & allies, for all. Text HELLO to (833) 672-0275.