Don’t let your goals trap you!
It’s a new year! A new beginning with endless possibilities. An exciting time that provides the opportunity to decide what you want to achieve. As you’re creating your goals for the year, consider the things you’re passionate about and create a goal that resonates with you. Here’s a quick tip from me:
It is important to gather tools when creating a blueprint for your goals. For this month’s highlight, I’ll be including some boosts that will get you from where you are to where you want to be. I call them power tools.
- I truly believe that no one succeeds alone. We all need a boost sometimes. That’s why I created the Kwanza Jones Boost Friends™ Community. It provides a space that fosters meaningful connections, accountability, and tools that inspire you to take action on your goals. It’s one of the ways I’m accomplishing my goal of boosting a billion lives. The community was officially launched in December 2022 to provide Boost Friends an enhanced member experience where they can connect, learn and grow.
- Did you know that each year, many people don’t achieve the goals that they set? That’s why I created the Billionaire Blueprint™ Goal Setting Worksheet, a short and effective goal planning worksheet. I use the Blueprint for deep goal-setting and strategizing. Because goals and circumstances can change, I use it not only at the beginning of the year, but also throughout the year to realign and refocus. To make things better, the Blueprint has been broken down into multiple short videos as a free course in the Kwanza Jones Boost Friends Community. It addresses important questions that will get you from goal-setting to goal-getting. Check out the course here if you’re already a member, or join the community to gain access to the course and more.
- Around this time in 2020, we had an event titled “Becoming the 8%.” It was based on the fact that only 8% of people accomplish their new year’s resolutions. How do you become a part of this 8%? Plan. Intention + Action = Goals Achieved. Check out this article my team created on the steps to take when forming the habit of accomplishing your goals.
- In line with my goal to boost the world to be better, my team and I partnered with PATH (People Assisting The Homeless) in December and provided care kits for the organization. They help provide supportive services throughout California in 150 cities over 5 regions to individuals, families, and the community experiencing homelessness.
- Another way I get closer to my goal of boosting a billion lives is to fund the funders. I’m referring to organizations that align with one or more of our pillars: entrepreneurship, education, equity, and empowerment. That’s why I partnered with Ulu Ventures, a seed-stage venture capital firm focused primarily on enterprise IT. They actively seek and fund women and diverse founder teams. By doing this, they are taking a step towards a more equitable future.
Remember, goals are guideposts. Whether you prefer sprinting or moving leisurely towards your goals, they can change over time. So do not let them trap you or stop you from being happy. Color outside the lines and you will see more possibilities. I am SUPERCHARGED, and you are too!
Who loves you? I do!
Bye for now,
Upcoming: February is Black History month. I like to think of it as a time to double down on our efforts and look forward, rather than backwards. Next month, I’ll be sharing some tips on how to rewrite the rules of representation and create more opportunities for the underrepresented.
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